“First known epidemic of drug-resistant typhoid is spreading through Pakistan”

First known epidemic of drug-resistant typhoid is spreading through Pakistan, infecting at least 850 people over the past two years – as doctors admit: ‘We’re out of options’:

  • The strain of typhoid has become resistant to five types of antibiotics
  • It is expected to replace weaker strains in areas where they are more common
  • Azithromycin is the only remaining method of combating the disease
  • The highly infectious condition causes high fevers, headaches and vomiting

A drug-resistant strain of typhoid is spreading through Pakistan and has infected at least 850 people since 2016.

The strain which is resistant to five types of antibiotics is predicted to spread across the globe, according to the National Institute of Health Islamabad.

It is expected to replace the weaker strains in areas where they are common as experts recognise just one remaining working antibiotic.

Azithromycin is the only remaining method of combating the disease however just one more genetic mutation could void the use of the drug.

Source: Mail Online


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